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Beyond the Plate: 4 Back to School Tips for Healthy Kids that Don’t Include Fruits & Veggies

Transitioning from summer to a new school year can be tiring and a big change for kids of all ages. New sleep schedules, structured activities and a more regimented lifestyle can throw a wrench into things for sure. We're here to highlight our 4 favorite tips to help your kids succeed this school year.

After long summer nights (cue the fireworks and ice cream), it may be difficult for kids to start going to bed early to prepare for the school day ahead. According to Nemours Kids Health and Johns Hopkins, kids aged 6-13 need 9-12 hours of sleep every night. Start by trying your best to stick to a bedtime as often as possible. Winding down with a warm bath or reading can help kids relax and get ready for bed. The benefits of adequate sleep include better concentration, memory and improved academic performance, and not getting enough sleep can lead to physical ailments such as high blood pressure, obesity and even depression.

Keep your kids healthy by promoting good hygiene habits. Singing the "ABCs" or “Happy Birthday” while washing your hands is a great way to teach kids how to sufficiently clean their hands. Set expectations for brushing and flossing, and allow kids the independence to complete these tasks on their own if they are able. Good hygiene is not only essential for physical health, but is also important for social health; no one wants to be the stinky kid in class! Although bath guidelines tend to vary by age and the stink factor, toddlers are younger children should hit the tub a few times a week at minimum, and older kids and teens should bathe daily and wash their face twice a day.

Raise your hand if you've ran around the house 30 seconds before the bus arrives looking for your kids homework, water bottle or show-and-tell treasure? Pretty sure everyone has their hand up. Staying organized can help mitigate some morning stressors. Start with a nighttime checklist of everything that needs to be packed for school the next day (homework, class project, PE clothes...). This is a great task to assign to your kids to teach them organizational skills and allow them to take pride in owning their day. Keeping a calendar with due dates, assignments, meal prep and sporting events is a great way to stay visually organized and keep everyone in the house on the same page.

Staying active is a great way for kids to relieve stress and strengthen relationships with friends and family. With the increase in screen time in school and at home, physical activities are a great way to give kids' brains a break. Encourage your children to take a break from homework by stretching or having a little dance party when focus begins to slip. This will help them release some energy so they can get back to work with a more focused brain. Playing a sport, organized or for fun, or going outside to shake out the jitters is a great way for kids to settle down, have fun and stay healthy. Looking for more information on getting your kids active? Kids Health has you covered.

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2023-2024 school year!


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